Amiga Format CD 41
Amiga Format CD41 (1999-06)(Future Publishing)(GB)[!][issue 1999-07].iso
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Text File
130 lines
23-01-99 by DaFonz
<NAME: TACsoft kru special level!>
<ROOMS: 11>
<WEAPON: 0|0|50|8|Mouth|You take the piss out of>
<WEAPON: 1|0|60|12|Board rubber|You throw the board rubber at|, forcing him to brush off the dust, when you pounce and kick
the shit out of them>
<WEAPON: 2|18|50|15|Nailgun||is regretting having seen you as nails rip through his pathetic body>
<ROOMTEXT: 0|1|Ooops! Bit of a cockup in the level-writing department!>
<ROOMTEXT: 0|2|Go N, E, S, or W to restart level>
<ROOMEXITS: 0|1|1|1|1>
<ROOMTEXT: 1|1| Welcome to the TACsoft kru DooM2d2 level!>
<ROOMTEXT: 1|2| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^>
<ROOMTEXT: 1|4| >
<ROOMTEXT: 1|6|Go in any direction to start! (N,E,S or W)>
<ROOMEXITS: 1|2|2|2|2>
<ROOMTEXT: 2|1|You are in the long corridor. To the east is Carter's form room, and to the west is a maths room. You can also
go north, taking you to Greestreet's and Fuller's rooms, and more of the corridor>
<ROOMTEXT: 2|8|There are some loose nails in the floor and walls. You could probably theif them if you wanted.>
<ROOMOBJECT: 2|18|nails. Now what could they come in useful for? I wonder...>
<ROOMEXITS: 2|5|3|0|4>
<ROOMTEXT: 3|1|You are in Carter's form room. There are not many people in here, probably because it's a tacky room, and
everyone goes to Greenstreet's room so they can trash it. You can go west, out into the corridor>
<ROOMTEXT: 3|9|As you walk past a cupboard, Phil jumps out on you and tries to kinkify you!>
<ROOMENEMY: 3|15|60|50|10|2|Kinky Blinky|tells you kinda kinky stories>
<ROOMEXITS: 3|0|0|0|2>
<ROOMTEXT: 4|1|You are in a maths room. On the walls are tacky pictures made up of letters, and on the board indecipherable
gobbleyjook. You can go east, back into the corridor.>
<ROOMTEXT: 4|8|You see a board rubber lying nearby>
<ROOMTEXT: 4|9|Eeek! Suddenly the window opens and Psycho Mitter Grun leaps in! He starts to talk to you in psychospeak!>
<ROOMENEMY: 4|10|40|40|20|3|Psycho Mitter Grun|does your 'ead in by talking complete gibberish>
<ROOMOBJECT: 4|1|dusty board rubber>
<ROOMEXITS: 4|0|2>
<ROOMTEXT: 5|1|You are in the middle section of corridor. There are doors to the east and west, to Greenstreet and Fuller's
rooms. You can also go north, to the top of the corridor, and south to the bottom.>
<ROOMTEXT: 5|8|Some pov has left their stash of drugz on the floor>
<ROOMTEXT: 5|9|As you turn around, Bunce appears behind you! And you have a piece of dust on your blazer!!!>
<ROOMOBJECT: 5|37|lovely revitalizing illegal substances>
<ROOMENEMY: 5|5|60|100|20|1|Bunce|severely pisses you off>
<ROOMEXITS: 5|8|6|2|7>
<ROOMTEXT: 6|1|You are in Greenstreet's form room. It is full of people. You can go west, into the corridor.>
<ROOMTEXT: 6|8|You see a staple/nail gun in front of you, for no apparent reason.>
<ROOMTEXT: 6|9|Perry is loitering nearby, looking stoned as always>
<ROOMOBJECT: 6|2|Nailgun. Hmmm...nailgun>
<ROOMENEMY: 6|5|40|50|25|1|Perry|forces his fascistic doctrine on you.>
<ROOMEXITS: 6|0|0|0|5>
<ROOMTEXT: 7|1|You are in Fuller's form room. It's another scary maths room! Eeek!>
<ROOMTEXT: 7|2|You may go east, back into the corridor.>
<ROOMTEXT: 7|8|There are more loose nails holding the walls in place.>
<ROOMTEXT: 7|9|As you wander around the room, you are taken from behind by Gary, who tries to ram a marrow up your ass! You
try to explain that it doesn't turn you on in the same way as it does Gary, but it's no use!>
<ROOMOBJECT: 7|18|nails>
<ROOMENEMY: 7|20|60|60|40|3|Gary, who uses a marrow coz he can't get a bloke, |shoves a marrow up your arse! Ouch!>
<ROOMEXITS: 7|0|5>
<ROOMTEXT: 8|1|You are at the top of the corridor. Since I can't be arsed to write any more of this crap, you won't be able
to fight the Art Tart or Malcoooolm.>
<ROOMTEXT: 8|2|You may go south.>
<ROOMTEXT: 8|8|Mitter Lock has strung mains voltage wires across the corridor - grab them if you are feeling bored with life>
<ROOMOBJECT: 8|42|live wires>
<ROOMEXITS: 8|0|0|5>